
Every day we generate large volumes of personal data —through our digitally mediated social interactions— online and even offline. 
With time this data builds and grows, stored locally on our personal devices or on remote servers across the globe. 
What happens to this data when we are no longer in this world?
How might we manage our posthumous digital legacies? 
Should we donate it for the public good, allow it to be distributed freely, opt sign-up for secure deletion? Could we pass it on to our next-of-kin, necessitating an executor for a digital inheritance? 
What value might this data hold and how might we assess the long term consequences of the digital products we deploy into this world.
A 'Speculative Futures' public digital service prototype. Etter.net is a web portal that allows you to sign up for secure data donation, in the event of your demise.

ROLE: concept development, ideation, prototyping and animation